based action
Academics, staff, and students at the University of Edinburgh share a sense of climate and ecological urgency and a commitment to knowledge based action.
The Edinburgh Earth Initiative provides opportunities to the University community which leverage our institutional strengths and connect action with collective impact to address our planet’s climate and ecological crises.
Discover further opportunities
The University of Edinburgh provides countless opportunities for students and staff to engage in climate action. Explore other opportunities available through the institution.
2050 Climate Group
2050 Climate Group exists to empower young people to lead climate action towards a just and sustainable society, and we deliver a number of projects to achieve this aim.
Adaptation Community of Practice
We are working towards just and equitable solutions to the climate and nature emergencies: our actions contribute to the achievement of a more sustainable future that improves the wellbeing for all of Edinburgh’s residents and communities. We are open minded and tolerant when working with communities and individuals; we help them engage proactively in the climate and nature emergencies.
Adaptation Scotland
At Adaptation Scotland, we provide advice and support to help Scotland be prepared and resilient to the effects of climate change.
We help public sector, businesses and communities to understand what climate change will mean across Scotland, and identify the best way for them to plan for the impact – taking the opportunities and preparing for the risks.
Bioengineering Society
An interdisciplinary society dedicated to all aspects of Bioengineering (which include bioelectronics, prosthetics, diagnostic equipment, biophysics and computational biology!). We aim to give a platform to anyone who is interested in the field to learn more, improve their skills, meet new people and think about potential research projects.
Centre for Adapting to Changing Environments (ACE)
The Centre for Adapting to Changing Environments (ACE) is a leading centre in multidisciplinary research bringing together the diverse expertise needed to address how populations can adapt to our rapidly changing world. Change is a natural driver of an evolving world but in recent decades the rate of change induced by human activity has become unsustainable. How populations, ecosystems and society adapt will be crucial to sustaining the natural environment that is our planet’s life support system. Different disciplines bring together different definitions, frameworks and tools to the process of adaptation, but it is a core idea that can transcend and unite across disciplinary boundaries. Our research integrates across four interlinked areas: Earth, Life, Ecosystems and Society.
Centre for Business, Climate Change, and Sustainability
The faculty is dedicated to researching and teaching issues related to climate change and sustainability. It has experience in engaging with businesses, policy makers, non-governmental organisations, and others. We have provided research, advice, consultancy, executive education, and more primarily through two flourishing research centres within the School: the Centre for Business and Climate Change (CBCC) and the Sustainable Business Initiative (SBI). With the rapid growth of this area in terms of faculty, students, and societal impact, we have established the new Centre for Business, Climate Change, and Sustainability (B-CCaS) to integrate these areas.
Centre for Business, Climate Change, and Sustainability
The faculty is dedicated to researching and teaching issues related to climate change and sustainability. It has experience in engaging with businesses, policy makers, non-governmental organisations, and others. We have provided research, advice, consultancy, executive education, and more primarily through two flourishing research centres within the School: the Centre for Business and Climate Change (CBCC) and the Sustainable Business Initiative (SBI). With the rapid growth of this area in terms of faculty, students, and societal impact, we have established the new Centre for Business, Climate Change, and Sustainability (B-CCaS) to integrate these areas.
Centre for Latin American Studies
The Centre aims to foster activities rooted on: cultural exchange and understanding of the Latin America region, through increasing international experiences and scholarship as well as through hosting key events; promoting and supporting research; and facilitating knowledge exchange and enterprise. At the core of CCLAS’s interests lies its commitment to the University’s vibrant community of students and researchers from Latin America, promoting educational, cultural and economic ties between Scotland and Latin America, and supporting mobility of students and researchers between them. Building on the University of Edinburgh’s long-standing mission and success in collaborating and supporting the public and private sectors, the Centre promotes the inception and development of new outlets for knowledge, including knowledge exchange and knowledge transfer activities.
Centre for Research on Environment, Society and Health
Our aim is to contribute to a healthier population and environment through policy-related research that explores connections between the two. We are particularly interested in how aspects of the natural and built environment can work to improve health. We see this research as being vital in an age when policy makers struggle with the apparently intractable problems of encouraging people to be healthier and of tackling health inequalities between more and less advantaged populations. Our team has extensive experience in researching how key characteristics of the environment can positively and negatively affect health behaviours and related outcomes. Our research is published in the leading international medicine, public health and social sciences journals and has been supported by a range of national funding bodies, charities as well as national and local government organisations.
Centre for Science, Knowledge and Policy (SKAPE)
SKAPE brings together academic researchers across a range of disciplines and policy practitioners to examine the relationships and intersections between different types of science and knowledges on policy. With members of over 130 academics and practitioners, SKAPE is committed to exploring and sharing ideas across universities, policy institutions and the wider public to improve the use of knowledge and evidence in democratic decision-making. Research from members covers topics including climate change, energy systems, migration policy, public health, environmental politics, education, international development, and more.
Centre for Statistics
The Centre for Statistics (CfS) aims to deepen mutual understanding between statisticians working in the mathematical sciences and researchers in other disciplines, leading both to cutting-edge interdisciplinary research that utilises modern statistical tools, and to innovations in statistical research. The CfS promotes an environment which fosters interdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange by: (1)The organisation of interdisciplinary seminars and discussion series based in academic units across the University and, through the provision of small grants, to aid the development of collaborative research proposals. (2) Inviting world leading statisticians on extended research visits where they spend time in academic units across Scotland (3) Promoting the application of the statistical sciences by holding an annual conference showcasing the most innovative interdisciplinary research and applications and organising an annual David Finney Lecture on Statistical Research and its Benefits to Society (4) Establishing new connections between mathematics and other academic areas, and with industrial, governmental and commercial users. The CfS has founded Statistical Consultancy Unit which acts as an interface between external clients and the expertise within the CfS. (5) Being at the forefront of training the next generation of statisticians and data scientists.
Centre for Supporting Evidence-Based Interventions in Livestock (SEBI-Livestock)
We put data and evidence at the centre of livestock decision-making in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LICs and MICs) to enable smallholder livestock keepers to fulfil their potential through better-informed decisions and technologies. We mobilise and apply data and evidence to help the livestock community make better investments that improve livelihoods for smallholders in low and middle-income countries. SEBI is uniquely positioned to close the livestock data gap, with expertise in veterinary science and data science, and our engagement with the global community of livestock data producers and users. Our activities are carried out through three interlinked areas of work: (1)Building and applying the livestock evidence base (2) Accelerating livestock interventions (3) Connecting the livestock community.
Centre for Sustainable Forests and Landscapes
The Centre for Sustainable Forests and Landscapes’ mission is to work with a wide range of partners to provide the critical interdisciplinary knowledge to deliver sustainable landscape management and policy development, with an emphasis on forested landscape mosaics. The Centre aims to combine expertise from the public and private sectors, and across social and natural sciences, to guide policy makers and empower stakeholders to address some of the grand challenges in forest and landscape science and management. The Centre for Sustainable Forests and landscapes will provide a hub for networking and collaboration, to catalyse the development and evaluation of new ideas, processes, and technologies.
Circular Communities Scotland
Empowering Scottish Communities to Deliver a Circular Economy.
Citizens, Nations, and Migration network (CNaM)
We focus on the interrelations between The Citizens, Nations and Migration. Members conduct research on global issues such as displacement, cultural diversity, integration, citizenship, transnationalism, rights and development in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.
We provide independent advice, research and analysis to support the Scottish Government as it develops and implements policies on adapting to the changing climate and the transition to net zero.Our members have wide-ranging expertise on how we can reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, how different sectors can adapt to Scotland’s changing climate, and how to create climate change policies that are fair and make the most of Scotland’s assets.
Coastal Communities Network
In 2014, Fauna & Flora International (FFI) partnered with local organisation COAST to develop support for coastal communities and bring together a network of community-led voices for marine protection in Scotland. What emerged was the Coastal Communities Network – a collaboration of 23 individual community-based groups united by their belief that locally appropriate action is needed for nature recover in ways that work for people and communities.
Community BEES (Biological, Ecological and Environmental Studies)
Focused on Biological, Ecological and Environmental Studies. We welcome students from Ecological and Environmental Sciences and related degrees, as well as people with similar interests. Our aim is to provide a social, supportive and educational environment to integrate students within and between years. We also engage with environmental and conservation issues and our friendly activities have a strong ecological perspective.
Conservation Biology Society
Organise talks, trips and other events related to conservation, and offer study assistance from students in biology-related courses, including but not limited to zoology, ecology and evolutionary biology.
Creative Carbon Scotland
Creative Carbon Scotland works to put culture at the heart of a sustainable Scotland. Arts and sustainability for climate change in Scotland.
Earth and Planetary Science Institute
The Earth and Planetary Earth Institute is united by a desire to understand the physical processes, properties and history of the planet on a fundamental level, which continue to shape the world in which we live. Through the institute, we conduct world-class research and provide outstanding, forward-looking for the next generation of Earth scientists to deliver our vision of contributing solutions to the most pressing problems facing society. We deal with topics from the formation of the Earth billion of years ago to the development of hydrogen storage technologies which will provide the clean energy sources for the future.
We organise talks, trips and other events related to conservation, and offer study assistance from students in biology-related courses. Welcoming all levels of interest and knowledge!
Edinburgh Climate Change Institute
Collaborating to accelerate climate action.
The Edinburgh Climate Change Institute was established in 2010 and has consistently worked towards a climate neutral Scotland and wider world.
Edinburgh Climate Commission
Edinburgh Climate Commission is an independent group working together to accelerate climate action and impact in Edinburgh. We are chaired by Dr Sam Gardner, Head of Climate Change and Sustainability at Scottish Power and made up of 15 people with experience of working in climate change and sustainability.
The work of the Commission is co-sponsored by the City of Edinburgh Council and the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute at the University of Edinburgh. We are also part of the Place-based Climate Action Network (PCAN).
Edinburgh Environment and Development Network
The Centre aims to combine expertise from the public and private sectors, and across social and natural sciences, to guide policy makers and empower stakeholders to address some of the grand challenges in forest and landscape science and management. The Centre intends to work with a range of partners in Scotland, Europe, and globally, to provide the critical interdisciplinary knowledge and training for the sustainable management of forested landscapes, while delivering new opportunities for economic growth and development. The Centre for Sustainable Forests and Landscapes will provide a hub for networking and collaboration, to catalyse the development and evaluation of new ideas, processes and technologies.
Edinburgh Infectious Diseases
This is a network connecting over 860 Scientists in 170 research groups, actively working in infectious disease research across the city of Edinburgh, addressing topics as diverse as biomarkers of viral infection, delivery of healthcare in unstable settings, antimicrobial resistance, neglected tropical diseases and evolution of viral pandemics. Our aims include, (1) representing the strengths of infectious disease science in Edinburgh through our symposia, workshops, outreach activity and internet profile; (2) maintaining a strategic overview of infectious disease research in Edinburgh, to maximise synergy between established activities and promote new avenues for investigation; (3) fostering infectious disease teaching and training at all levels within the University, including the development of new postgraduate initiatives.
Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering
The Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering (ERPE) is a strategic alliance between Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh. As two of the UK’s leading research universities, we work with academic, industry and public sector partners delivering world-leading expertise in engineering to deliver the most effective commercial, social, environmental and economic impacts. This powerhouse of engineering uses its vision of working in conjunction with each other to translate engineering research into practical outcomes. The impact of our research addresses the most urgent challenges for society. The research concentrates on 4 main areas: (1) Infrastructure and environment, (2) sensors, signals and systems, (3) energy and resource management (4) Manufacturing and materials.
Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering
The Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering (ERPE) is a strategic alliance between Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh. As two of the UK’s leading research universities, we work with academic, industry and public sector partners delivering world-leading expertise in engineering to deliver the most effective commercial, social, environmental and economic impacts. This powerhouse of engineering uses its vision of working in conjunction with each other to translate engineering research into practical outcomes. The impact of our research addresses the most urgent challenges for society. The research concentrates on 4 main areas: (1) Infrastructure and environment, (2) sensors, signals and systems, (3) energy and resource management (4) Manufacturing and materials.
Edinburgh Sustainable Projects Abroad
ESPA is a student-led volunteering society that is partnered with the international non-profit Global Brigades. We provide volunteer opportunities that are focused on delivering sustainable health and development solutions in under-resourced communities worldwide. We implement Global Brigades’ holistic model and sustainable approach to working with and empowering communities in Central America, Africa, and more recently, Greece to help with the Refugee Crisis. Currently, we send Medical, Global Legal Empowerment, and Engineering Brigades abroad. Throughout the year, we prepare for Brigades by running fundraising and team-building events, and education sessions.
Emergency Medicine Society
A hands-on society for all things emergency medicine- from pre-hospital care to your basic A-E assessment, we provide talks, workshops and our annual conference!
Energy and Sustainability Society
ESS aims to educate students from all disciplines about the energy sector in an effort to bridge the gap between academia and industry. It seeks to create awareness about issues relating to climate and future energy systems as well as act as a useful stepping stone for those aiming to build careers in this all-important field.
It is an interconnected community of 200 researchers across different Schools in the University, aligned with Industry in recognising that “energy systems and technologies are social as well as technical”. Our research aligns with the Energy Trilemma and feeds into the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our key areas of expertism include (1) Energy systems integration and modelling, (2) Renewable energy and materials (3) Energy Transition (4) Energy policy, (4) governance, and decision-making, (5) Energy and the built environment, (6) Energy data learning, (7) Energy economics, business, and finance.
Environmental Humanities
The network places a particular emphasis on reflection upon, and innovation across, the disciplinary boundaries within which the humanities tend to operate. The Edinburgh Environmental Humanities Network also looks to connect environmental researchers within the humanities with each other, with the wider environmental research agenda within the University, and beyond. The network aspires to be relational in its approach to key themes, issues, and problems.
Environmental Protection Scotland
Highly respected within the environmental sector, we work towards innovative solutions to environmental problems. We depend upon the support of our members so that we continue to promote our understanding of environmental issues.
Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland
The ERCS’s aim is to support individuals and communities to use their environmental rights to protect the environment, tackle climate change, and improve local biodiversity and greenspaces for health and wellbeing.
Extinction Rebellion Edinburgh
To take urgent action in the face of catastrophic climate change as part of the global climate justice movement.
Food Researchers in Edinburgh (FRIED)
FRIED and its members approach food from a variety of angles, including the social science of food and eating, inequalities in food access, long-term uses and abuses of resources, food production, food governance and trade, and food in relation to health and well-being. As a group FRIED is very interdisciplinary, with members dispersed across University of Edinburgh Schools and Colleges, and other universities. FRIED aims primarily to bring together staff and students across the University of Edinburgh, but food researchers from other institutions are welcome to join.
Food Security and Sustainability Society
Interest in sustainable development, social justice, healthy living and gardening. We are also planning several talks, screenings, and panel discussions on current affairs and hot topics relating to food supply chains, agriculture, and sustainability.
Friends of the Earth Scotland
We’re campaigning for a world where everyone can enjoy a healthy environment and a fair share of the Earth’s resources. Climate change is the greatest threat to this aim, that’s why we’re calling for a just transition to a 100% renewable, nuclear-free, zero-fossil-fuel Scotland.
We provide a dynamic directory and up-to-date resources on gender and sexualities courses, researchers, research projects, networks, blogs, social media and events from the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS) and beyond. As a critical friend, genderED contributes to policy debates and ongoing gender, intersectionality and decolonial campaigns at the University of Edinburgh and globally, in partnership with other specialists in gender and sexualities studies and research.
Geographical Society
We host invaluable careers events, teaching professional skills and building on connections with employers to promote internship and graduate opportunities. We host fortnightly talks in collaboration with the Royal Scottish Geographical Society from incredible speakers, from the producer of Planet earth to the founder of homelessness social enterprise Social Bite.
Geographies of Social Justice Research Group
We are a group of human geographers engaged in politically committed and theoretically informed scholarship aimed at progressive and radical political transformation and the pursuit of social justice and human dignity. We work with anarchist, anti-racist, autonomist, feminist, Marxist, poststructuralist, queer, postcolonial and decolonial theories across a diverse range of fields, including cultural studies, multi species studies, development studies, environmental studies, food studies, gender and transgender studies, critical race and indigenous studies, political economy, rural and urban studies. Whilst diverse in approach and focus, our work holds in common a commitment to questions of inequality, power, and justice. Our vision is to provide an active, collective, and collaborative space for research support, mentoring, intellectual exchange, and visibility for critical human geographers.
Geography & the Lived Environment Institute
The institute is comprised of geographers and environmental scientists who study the social, cultural, political, economic, and physical processes that create and reshape the world. Our overarching goal is cutting-edge research that matters and makes a difference, intellectually and practically. Our research is broad, interdisciplinary, and diverse. As a collective, we draw on and contribute to the arts, humanities, the social sciences, and the environmental sciences. We are always striving for a critical and ethical approach to understanding the world, and we work with communities near and far to achieve positive transformations in people’s lives. Our research groups include Cultural and historical Geography, Environmental Change and Societal Transitions, Geographies of Social Justice, and Population, Health and Place across a range of theoretical approaches in the Global North and Global South.
Geoscience Society
We host fun activities throughout the semester where you will get to meet people in your year and others.
Global Health Society
Aims to inspire and educate individuals, groups, organisations and communities about global health issues. Raise awareness about global health and provide a platform for students to share ideas and/or experiences in global health, network with academics as well as presenting and publishing their work in the Journal of Global Health
Global Justice Now
Global Justice Now is made up of a network of activists and local groups – people like you who take action in their communities to challenge corporate power and the policies that cause poverty and inequality all over the world.
Global Urban Research Collective
We are a growing collaborative of researchers working with communities, NGOs, government agencies and other stakeholders, co-producing knowledge that seeks to improve living conditions in Latin America’s cities and towns. Our research focuses on vulnerable settlements in the rapidly urbanising world, mainly looking at community empowerment, participatory processes and user involvement, in the production of the built environment urban place-making and place-keeping.
Hearty Squirrel Food Cooperative
The Hearty Squirrel is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit food cooperative at the University of Edinburgh. We strive to provide local, organic and affordable food to students and staff, as well as a unique and informative experience for our volunteers.
Homelessness and Inclusion Health Society
HIHS is built around two main pillars: Of getting the student community more integrated and involved in health services for the homeless and other vulnerable populations, and on educating the public on the issues of homelessness and health access in our university community.
The Centre for tropical livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH) supports partnership programmes that aim to improve livestock-based livelihoods in the tropics. We forge partnerships and catalyse investments that enable scientists, investors, policy makers and user communities to coproduce and apply the knowledge and tools necessary to make our vision a reality. Our mission is to deliver genetic gains for tropical livestock development. In 2015, we launched a research portfolio supported by our strategic partner institutions and funders to develop and apply genomic tools to improve the productivity of tropical livestock and increase climatic resilience, adaptation, and mitigation for the benefit of smallholder farmers in the tropics.
Institute for Design Informatics
We bring together expertise from data science, creative concept development and human-centred design methodologies to explore and understand how data and emerging technologies transform the way in which we work, live, play and care for each other. This combination of skills and interests allows us to design new products, capabilities and services that have meaning and value to people, and positioning, Scotland as a world leader in designing with data. We’re tackling how developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence might unlock the potential of designers and users and producers and consumers to work together to generate new social and economic value.
Institute for Ecology and Evolution
Has carried forward groundbreaking research from the Ashworth Laboratories focusing on population biology and quantitative genetics, as well as infectious disease research.
Institute Infrastructure and Environment
IIE is aimed at promoting wellbeing of humanity in the face of contemporary and anticipated challenges to urban infrastructure and the natural environmental. Such as security of infrastructure and communities from natural and anthropogenic hazards; improving industrial infrastructure for dealing with bulk solids; assessment, monitoring, and improvement of transport; and treatment of water and wastewater. Our work spans from understanding fundamental behaviour of materials, structures, and processes at the smallest scales to the full design scale including simulation and modelling at all relevant scales. Our themes are (1) Environmental engineering, (2) fire safety engineering, (3) granular mechanics and industrial infrastructure, (4) infrastructure sensing and systems, (5) railway engineering, (6) structural engineering and mechanics.
Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences
IMPS staff research addresses the global challenges of food security, green technology and climate change. The Institute has state-of-the-art facilities for research on the molecular to whole-plant scales and has extended its reach to crops and ecosystems through collaboration with partner institutes within Edinburgh Plant Science.
Justice Society
Aims to connect students at Edinburgh University to the work done by Justice UK in Civil Law and Human Rights. As a society we are interested in a range of issues and are committed to provide a safe and inclusive space where people can learn and debate in a fun, social environment.
Keep Scotland Beautiful
We are your charity for Scotland’s environment, with a vision for a clean, green, sustainable Scotland.
We’re lucky to live in such a beautiful country and we want to keep it that way.
We have three goals – to combat climate change, tackle litter and waste, and protect and enhance the places we live, work and visit.
Lifestyle Medicine Society
EULMS provides a forum for education & discussion surrounding all aspects of leading a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity, nutrition, sleep & stress management among others. We aim to promote physical & mental health on campus and beyond!
Medical Ethics and Humanities Society
Aims to create a platform where we can explore the associations between clinical medicine, medical ethics and humanities. Students from any course welcome and we aim to host regular talks and debates throughout term.
Medical Sciences Society
A peer support network for students on biomedical sciences courses, holding course-specific study, skill-development and career advice sessions, as well as regular socials all year! EUBMS aims to provide students within biomedical, biological and medical sciences a peer support network, holding regular social events so you can have some fun while getting to know your course mates from years below and above.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Society
An informal and friendly space within which University of Edinburgh students can learn more about the importance of mental wellbeing, get involved in political advocacy campaigns promoting better mental health and wellbeing services, raise awareness amongst young people, and gain access to useful information and wellbeing services. We aim to better the student experience both on and off-campus for all University of Edinburgh students.
National Institute for Health Research on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE)
Funded by the National Institute for Health Research, RESPIRE is a Global Health Research Unite focusing on respiratory health in Asia. The RESPIRE collaboration spans across Asia with organisations in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, and Pakistan working in partnership with the University of Edinburgh. Together, we seek to identify and tackle some of the biggest causes of illness and death in the region – respiratory diseases. We am to achieve our vision to reduce the impact and number of deaths caused by respiratory diseases in Asia by (1) mapping and collating continuing and emerging respiratory challenges (2) prioritising existing evidence-based interventions that have the potential to be adapted to reduce mortality/morbidity in the partner countries (3) supporting local adaption/tailoring of interventions for deployment in low-resource environments and catalyse developmental work in areas of unmet need (4) support local implementation efforts and evaluation of programmes of work; and (5) identify the best delivery mechanisms for long-term delivery/scaling-up.
Our role is to protect and promote Scotland’s natural heritage, which contributes so much to our nation’s prosperity and well-being.
Nourish Scotland
Working for a fairer, healthier and more sustainable food system in Scotland. We campaign on issues such as the environment, public health and inequality.
One Health Network
Our work focuses on improving livelihoods around the world – exploring complex relationships between human, animal and environmental health, and the economic and social factors that underpin these. Our commitment to multidisciplinary working is seen through the work of our world leading Global Academies and research centres, including Edinburgh Infectious Diseases. Collaboration is key and the impact from our research influences global policy and contributes to saving lives. We provide training to equip people with the skills needed to respond to emerging One Health issues through our degree programmes and short professional courses. We have long-standing expertise in online delivery to enable wide access to professional training regardless of your location.
OPENspace Research Centre
We are a collaborative, multi-disciplinary team, bringing together experts in landscape architecture, environmental psychology, human geography, forestry, quality of life measures and design for all ages and abilities. Our work informs policy on health and wellbeing, social inclusion, countryside access and sustainable urban development by focusing on the benefits to be gained from getting outdoors and the barriers currently experienced by different users, particularly those from disadvantaged groups.
Our Future Edinburgh
We are supporting the development of Edinburgh’s community climate action forum. We bring together local people and communities to act decisively on the climate
Paediatrics Society
For individuals who love children or are attracted to the tremendous reward that comes with treating young patients. Throughout the year, we will be hosting tutorials and guest speakers in a variety of topics, allowing members to explore their interests as well as to improve their understanding of paediatrics for exams. In addition, we will also have various socials and fundraising events for the Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity.
Science for Sustainability Hub
Our vision is to break down disciplinary barriers, and work with external partners in the public and private sectors, to createcollaborations that accelerate our mission to create an equitable, inclusive, and sustainable for our planet. Our mission is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which provide a wide-ranging roadmap towards a sustainable future. Our university is part of a global alliance of universities as signatories of the 2019 SDG Accord to align efforts across a spectrum of SDG-related activities. Our themes are Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology, Agrotechnology, Environmental Adaptation, Artificial Intelligence, and Renewable Energy, which are all underpinned by a strong commitment to ethical and socially responsible research, founded on Edinburgh’s long-standing strengths in social sciences scholarship.
Campaigning for climate jobs and a just transition. ScotE3 (Employment, Energy and Environment) was initiated by a small group of rank and file trade unionists (mainly working in construction and defence) and climate activists keen to find a way of taking climate action into workplaces and working class communities.
Scotland’s International Development Alliance
Scotland’s International Development Alliance is the membership body for everyone committed to creating a fairer world, free from poverty, injustice and environmental threats.
Scottish Communities Climate Action Network
Supporting community-led action to address the climate and nature emergency and work for a just, thriving and resilient Scotland.
Scottish Environment LINK
Scottish Environment LINK is the forum for Scotland’s voluntary environment community, with over 40 member bodies representing a broad spectrum of environmental interests with the common goal of contributing to a more environmentally sustainable society.
Scottish Wildlife Trust
Our vision is for a connected network of healthy, resilient ecosystems supporting Scotland’s wildlife and people.
We’re a cooperative in Edinburgh working for a world without waste!
We empower our community to live a low carbon life. Become a member and learn to fix a bike, swap your preloved things, enjoy some rescued food and be inspired by new ideas.
Social Responsibility and Sustainability (SRUC)
The Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability enables the University to understand, explain and deliver on its vision to make the world a better place by offering the most successful social responsibility and sustainability service in higher education. We do this by: (a) understanding and explaining risks and opportunities, (b) developing the University’s response to these; (c) and delivering collaborative and impactful projects and programmes to inspire the University community to get involved. Our priorities are (1) Transitioning to a zero-carbon and circular economy university (2) Empowering sustainability leadership and collaboration (3) Contributing to a sustainable, thriving and inclusive Edinburgh City Region (4) Contributing to socially responsible and sustainable supply chains and investments (5) Supporting world-class research, teaching, learning and enterprise; and (6) Developing our own people and ensuring best practice systems and policies.
Social Responsibility and Sustainability (SRUC)
The Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability enables the University to understand, explain and deliver on its vision to make the world a better place by offering the most successful social responsibility and sustainability service in higher education. We do this by: (a) understanding and explaining risks and opportunities, (b) developing the University’s response to these; (c) and delivering collaborative and impactful projects and programmes to inspire the University community to get involved. Our priorities are (1) Transitioning to a zero-carbon and circular economy university (2) Empowering sustainability leadership and collaboration (3) Contributing to a sustainable, thriving and inclusive Edinburgh City Region (4) Contributing to socially responsible and sustainable supply chains and investments (5) Supporting world-class research, teaching, learning and enterprise; and (6) Developing our own people and ensuring best practice systems and policies.
Social Scientists for Sustainability / Sus+
Sus+ is the Edinburgh network of social scientists for sustainability. Our aim is to enhance the visibility of social science research and teaching on environmental sustainability across the University of Edinburgh.
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland
We believe that the Scottish Government should take bold action to tackle climate change, with Scotland delivering our fair share of action in response to the Paris Agreement and supporting climate justice around the world.
Student-led SDG Research Network
In November 2020, the University Alliance for Sustainability (UAS) brought together PhD students from a wide range of disciplines for two parallel PhD workshops focused on sustainable development. Working in small teams over a five-day period, and using various virtual platforms, we discussed how our individual research areas addressed the SDGs, identified areas of overlap, and explored the potential for UN frameworks to guide and shape these cross-discipline conversations. Each group presented their key takeaways from their discussions, supported by creative and colourful presentations, in a live session on the final day. We would like to thank Dr Berthold Kuhn, Prof Kurt Hübner and the organising team, and we are delighted to share some of our reflections from the event.
Sustainable Development
It is an informal and friendly source of advice, support, friendship, offered by students who are further through the degree to newer students. Peer support may focus around improving your academic work, providing opportunities to socialise with other students within your school or offering additional support to ensure your well being while at the university.
Sustainable Development Association
A forum for like-minded students providing support, further learning, and social events for individuals interested in sustainable development. We host a wide-range of events throughout the year such as biweekly open meetings where we discuss new sustainability projects, clothes swaps, academic speakers and socials!
Together, we are making Scotland a healthy, happy place to live, work and play, and a sustainable and beautiful tourist destination
The Centre for Future Infrastructure
It will be a space where partners from all sectors engage with our leading academics and outstanding students at all levels, to co-create infrastructure solutions, and to incubate major projects and new areas of business. The Centre will be an intellectual hub for ideas, and a workshop for forging those ideas into practical opportunities and applications, bringing together stakeholders from across the University sector, industry, government and beyond. Through teaching programmes, research and collaboration with businesses and administrators, we will co-create a powerful network of experts who can tackle issues from different and unconventional perspectives, gathering many hands to solve the ‘wicked problems’ arising from the complexity of infrastructure systems.
The Conservation Volunteers
We bring people together to create, improve and care for green spaces. From local parks and community gardens to Local Nature Reserves and Sites of Special Scientific Interest; from school grounds and hospital grounds to waterways, wetlands and woodlands; we connect people to the green spaces that form a vital part of any healthy, happy community.
Connecting people and green spaces to deliver lasting outcomes for both.
Join thousands of people and communities across the UK connecting to nature on their doorsteps and contributing to its protection.
The Edinburgh Centre for International and Global Law
The Edinburgh Centre for International and Global Law (ECIGL) brings together and expands the exciting and innovative research, teaching and engagement with international law and law beyond the state done at Edinburgh Law School. Taking advantage of Edinburgh Law School’s place as an historic and renowned hub for theoretical, socio-legal and doctrinal studies in law in national, European and global dimensions, ECIGL is committed to being a dynamic and interdisciplinary intellectual space that addresses contemporary international and global questions through both fundamental research and practical policy engagement.
The Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering
The Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering (ERPE) is a strategic alliance between Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh. As two of the UK’s leading research universities, we work with academic, industry and public sector partners delivering world-leading expertise in engineering to deliver the most effective commercial, social, environmental and economic impacts. This powerhouse of engineering uses its vision of working in conjunction with each other to translate engineering research into practical outcomes. The impact of our research addresses the most urgent challenges for society. The research concentrates on 4 main areas: (1) Infrastructure and environment, (2) sensors, signals and systems, (3) energy and resource management (4) Manufacturing and materials.
The Edinburgh Sustainable Urban Futures Group
Provide an inter-disciplinary platform to tackle the big questions in sustainable urban development, planning, supply chain management and more, drawing on expertise from the sciences and social sciences alike.
The Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security
We are developing new science, curating evidence and learning on the intersection and interdependence of the systems that underpin the health and wellbeing of people and our planet. Our food, farming and land use systems are central to achieving food and nutritional security. We provide science and leadership for regenerative, ethical, food and land use systems for healthy people and a healthy planet through: (1) Agenda-setting, impactful, trans-disciplinary research in Food systems, nutrition and health , Sustainable land and environmental resource use and Planetary Health and One Health. (2) Inspiring, lifelong education and training for Planetary Health and Food Systems leaders, practitioners and advocates (3) Partnership, engagement and co-creation to maximize the relevance and impact of our work and drive the development of solutions.
The Global Change Research Institute
A group of over 200 researchers whose overarching mission is to understand past, present and future changes in the Earth system, and to inform mitigation strategies for future change. Building on scientific foundations such as atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, land surface and oceans, we monitor their current behaviour, and in developing predictions of their future dynamics as well as engage in interdisciplinary research focussed on mitigating the many challenges posed by the global climate emergency, environmental hazards, inequalities, conservation, and sustainability. Our research groups include (1) Atmospheric Chemistry and climate of the Anthropocene (2) Biosphere (3) Cryosphere (4) Land Surface Dynamics (5) Oceans and Past climate and extends throughout the world, over the seven continents, across all the oceans, from the poles to the equator, and from the deep Earth to the upper atmosphere.
The Green Team
The Green Team has been successfully running programmes of outdoor activities for young people since 1995. Our programmes offer a unique blend of practical conservation tasks, outdoor fun, environmental education and personal development. We work with individuals, school groups and referring partners. There really is something for everybody.
Third Generation Project
The Third Generation Project is an international think tank based in Scotland that uses education and research to enable social change for climate justice.
Tipping Point UK
We help people from all communities and backgrounds use their power and organise bold and regular action together to win change.
Transition Edinburgh
Transition Edinburgh connects and supports community groups, and initiates practical projects that strive for a greener, fairer, healthier and more resilient Edinburgh since 2009.
UN Centre for Education for Sustainable Development (Learning for Sustainability Scotland)
We are a growing network of educators, practitioners and key partners, all working together to embed learning for sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals into all that we do. We work across sectors, across all types of education, across the length and breadth of Scotland. We empower our members to work together to deliver Learning for Sustainability (LfS) across all aspects of learning, to strengthen the understanding of LfS and to advance the practice of LfS so that it reaches its full potential across Scotland.
UN House Scotland
UN House Scotland provides opportunities for learning and fosters a community of engagement around UN goals and values.
‘UncoverEd’ is a student-led University of Edinburgh-funded collaborative project with a ‘decolonial’ agenda. A database of students from Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and the Americas – from as early as 1700 – has been compiled with the aim of producing at least one biography each of a ‘notable’ alumnus, leading up to a website and exhibition currently on display in the Chrystal Macmillan Building.
Wilderness Medicine Society
For students who love outdoors and medicine. Host talks from experts in fields such as aeromedical critical care, military medicine and mountian medicine. We also have regular trips where we go skiing, hiking, camping as well as our regular weekly climbing sessions. In essence it is a society set up to combine a love of the outdoors with an interest in pre-hospital medicine, however anyone and everyone is welcome at all of our events.
Woodland Trust
The Woodland Trust Scotland works to plant and halt the loss of native woods and trees and restore existing woodland to peak condition.
World Food Programme Society on Campus
Aiming to promote the core objectives of the World Food Programme and the charities that they work with. We aim to creat a fun and inclusive environment for all members with various informational talks and socials.
WWF Scotland
So at WWF, we’re fighting to restore habitats and species and to build a Scotland where people and nature can thrive – a cleaner, fairer, flourishing environment. To do that, we’re tackling the main causes of nature’s decline – land use and climate change.
Zero Waste Scotland
Zero Waste Scotland exists to lead Scotland to use products and resources responsibly, focusing on where we can have the greatest impact on climate change.